Welcome To
Our Family
Family is everything and we would like to welcome you to our traditions.
Our Business
We are a family-owned business specializing in Custom, and Retail processing of Beef, Bison, Boar, Lamb, Pork, Poultry, and more, in the Tri-state area of PA, NJ, and NY.

This story is dedicated to those who most strongly and positively influenced me as well as me in my journey through life.
First and foremost are my parents, who sacrificed their lives to give me a better life in America, moving here from Europe in 1966 when I was only 10 years old. My father was my rock – he guided me as I grew into adulthood, teaching me about business, life, honesty, integrity, and respect.
Second was Guenther “Hank” Schineller. Without his knowledge and patience in the meat business, I most certainly wouldn’t be as successful as I am today.
Thirdly are Luigi Pintore and Pietro Castoldi. They both brought me back to my roots, teaching me the true Old World style and the art of charcuterie making.
Lastly and most importantly is my wife, Jan. She has always believed in me and stood by my side throughout my journey. There were many sacrifices made and some very tough times we endured, but she never gave up hope and always remained committed. I have always had her full support in achieving this dream of mine!

About 30 years ago, I became very inquisitive about the butchering business and decided to do some research and seek a butcher in the business who would be willing to become my mentor and teach me the trade. My search was successful when I met Guenther “Hank” Schineller. I asked him if he would be willing to mentor me, working solely for the opportunity to learn, and not expecting any financial restitution in return for my work. Initially, Hank declined – he wanted no part of training an inexperienced person such as myself. This was understandable – after all, I was dealing with one of the top German wurstmachers on the East Coast. However, I remained very persistent, and finally, Hank agreed to teach me the trade.
After several years of working as Hank’s apprentice, I felt confident enough to branch out on my own; it was time to apply the priceless knowledge Hank gave me and put it to the test, by starting my own business. However, starting my own business came with its own unique challenges. Unlike most other meat processors who are 2nd or 3rd generation in the business, neither my father, a bricklayer by trade, nor myself, working in the computer field at the time, had any knowledge of meat processing, short of the knowledge shared by Hank. Nevertheless, when my wife and I purchased our farm in 1982, with my father’s help, we began butchering wild game in a one car garage on our farm.
During our first year in business, we proudly butchered 40 deer. Each year following, the business continued expanding, and my passion grew stronger. Within a few years, I knew it was now time to begin making the specialty meat items that Hank had taught me how to produce. However, the one car garage would no longer cut it. So, I decided to build a proper butcher shop on our farm. In the years that followed, our business started to grow rapidly, leading to further additions to our butcher shop, including two smokehouses, several walk-in coolers and freezers, along with the machinery and equipment required to process the specialty meat items for our customers.
While the business was growing rapidly, as was my passion for the art of butchering, I realized that I couldn’t fully devote myself to this dream, as I had the responsibility of raising a family at the time and a full-time job in the computer field. As the years passed and my children grew older, I retired from my computer job at the age of 55 and applied to become a USDA inspected facility in 2011. Despite not having any customers, except for my wild game customers at the time, I never gave up hope. I continuously worked toward my dream of operating a full-time specialty meat butchering business so that I could do what Hank trained me to do – make wurst and cut meats.
Fast forward to current day, we operate as a Federally Inspected USDA facility, employing more than 25 employees, and processing meat for over 100 farmers. However, our shop is not just a butcher shop – I work hard to foster an environment where others can learn the arts of the trade, just as Hank and Pietro have done for me. Like Hank and Pietro, I too love to teach those who are eager and willing to learn. For example, each year, we take several employees from different areas of our facility to the Pennsylvania Association of Meat Processors (PAMP), held at Penn State University. There, they can see and talk to various meat butchers from throughout the state and attend different classes. Knowledge is power!
At the core of our business is ultimately a simple philosophy that Hank instilled in me, words that, to this day, I’ve never forgotten: “Nello, if you give a customer a quality product, they will return. If you give them anything less, they won’t.”
Hank passed away on November 15, 2008 and my father passed away on September 17, 2015. Pop & Hank are both greatly missed by family and friends. I know in my heart that their spirits will live on with us forever. I had and will always have the highest respect and love for both of these gentlemen. They reinforced what I already believed – to be a man of my word and an honest person. Their guidance, patience, knowledge, and friendship will always be a big part of my life. Truly, I’ve been blessed to have had the father I had growing up, and to have met Hank. From my heart to yours, I thank you Pop & Hank!

Our Food Policy
Quality first! We only use the highest quality meats and ingredients without any additional additives. Our staff are trained to the highest standards of food safety. The recipes we are so well known for have been perfected over the past 30 years and are built upon century’s old knowledge from the Old-World, ensuring that our customers consistently receive authentically excellent products across the spectrum.
Our Core Values
Honesty is one of the most important aspects of life and also for our business. Our customer service is unmatched as is our ability to provide our customers a sense of trust that they are getting the very best products. Every aspect of our business is run with care and consideration to the satisfaction of our customers.